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Model Specialists and Area Organisers Wanted

Could you help the club by becoming a model specialist and/or area organiser?

If you would like to develop activities for the area around you, get more involved with the club and help us to get more members then we would love to hear from you.

Similarly, if you have detailed knowledge of the post-war 16/18hp cars or the 18, 20, 20/25 and 25hp cars, would you be willing to become the club's model specialist? 

Providing your support (in any capacity!) helps to sustain the club, which is operated by volunteers. Helping new members with technical queries and promoting the brand in your local area will help the club to gain new members and keep the club thriving.

Lots of support and guidance is available within the club to help you get under way in either role. If you're interested or would like more information, please get in touch with any director or contact


Posted in General News on the 7th August 2023 at 2:05pm.

Tags: model specialist, organiser
